Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Composition VS. Bad Composition

Composition 1: Good

This could have potentially been a bad composition however the weed grows into a spiral leading upwards which takes the viewer's eye from the bottom to the top creating movement. Since it isn't one constant size the picture does not become boring and allows the viewer's eyes to wander the rest of the picture without losing themselves.

Composition 2: Bad

This is an example of bad composition. The lion is place right in the center of the photo. There viewer will go straight to the lion and wont be able to see the rest of the picture. The lack of color in this photo also makes the viewer's eye go to the lion and that doesn't leave much else to look at.

Composition 3: Good

This is another example of good composition. The most prominent figure is placed upwards and towards the left. There is also movement through color in the bird bath itself. When your eye moves with the curve of the gazebo and into the birdbath you follow the dark purple into the grey, the beige, the blue and then into the black of the bird bath. 

Composition 4: Bad

This is another example of bad composition. There is so much grass that it's very hard to focus on anything at all in the photo. You can some what see the statue in the back but unless you know this garden and know what the statue is supposed to be of it actually gets lost behind all of the brush and weeds.

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